
Can you use a pod in sarasota?

Can You Use a Pod in Sarasota?

Sarasota County Jail is overcrowded. Building a new jail would cost over $100 million, so the “pod” program has become a viable alternative. It helps re-entry inmates avoid mistakes that landed them in jail. This program teaches these individuals parenting skills and provides them with job training to help them land a job. They also host job fairs where employers can meet with inmates and give them a chance to work. movers in sarasota

The Sarasota Herald-Tribune recently reported on a red-hot housing market. Housing values have risen by as much as 30%, and rent prices have risen faster than any other market. PODS has been doing moving analysis and found that a greater percentage of their customers were moving out of high-cost areas like Sarasota to lower costs. local movers company

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